Week 29

Week 29

Now that your belly has really started to grow, you might notice that something as simple as driving a car has become difficult. Do you know the proper car safety during pregnancy?

A full head of hair

During week 29 of your pregnancy, the fine lanugo hairs that covered your baby’s body start to disappear. Since your baby is now developing fat deposits, it no longer needs the lanugo hair to help regulate body temperature. The hair should be gone completely by the time you give birth, but some babies are born with it. On the other hand, the fine hairs on your baby’s head start to grow thicker.

By the end of week 29 of your pregnancy, your baby measures around 37 centimeters from head to toe and weighs approximately 1560 grams.

Baby on Board

Now that your belly has really started to grow, you might notice that something as simple as driving a car has become difficult. If you’re the one driving, you might have problems squeezing the bump in behind the steering wheel. It’s recommended that you adjust your seat as far back as possible (but not in a reclined position!) to get your bump away from the steering wheel. The steering wheel should be angled towards your chest, not your head or stomach to get the best airbag protection. 

One of the most important things to get right, when you’re driving during pregnancy, is the position of your seatbelt. The lower part of the seatbelt should always go underneath your bump and rest snuggly on your hip bones, never on top of your bump. The upper strap should go across your chest, resting between your breasts. The upper strap should not touch or go across your bump in any way either.

How do you manage diaper change with a newborn?

You might already be thinking about how you’re going to manage even small day-to-day tasks, when you must constantly supervise your newborn baby. One of these things could be diaper changes.

Our best advice is, before you lay your baby down on the changing mat, make sure you have everything you need within arm’s length. Always make sure to have a stocked changing table, because you should not leave your baby. Babies are surprisingly agile and have no control over their own movements at this point, so before you know it, the baby could be rolling half-way off the changing mat.

Take a second and do a quick scan of the changing table, before you undress your baby and put them down on the mat; it’s much easier to quickly grab the wet wipes or some water from another room with a smelly, but diapered, baby on your arm. Your baby can survive 1 more minute in a dirty diaper, if it means you don’t have to leave them alone.

We recommend always having diapers, wet wipes, talcum powder, barrier cream or diaper rash cream and a diaper trash can ready to go at your changing table. We also recommend flat clothes diapers to lay on top of your baby during changes to catch any wayward pee, if your baby is a boy; you’ll be surprised how far they can shoot.



Read more about the next week of your pregnancy in week 30 of our week-by-week pregnancy calendar.

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