Week 32

Week 32

Your due date is getting closer and closer, and there are lots of physical changes, plans and thoughts related to the birth. This week, we’re talking about thoughts and worries related to the birth, and why you should make a birth plan.

Has your baby dropped?

If you start to feel a little relief on your lungs, but some added pressure on your bladder here in week 32 of your pregnancy, your baby has probably turned to lie in a face-down position; your baby will drop further and further down into your pelvis as the birth comes closer.

During week 32 of your pregnancy, your baby will grow to measure around 42 centimeters from head to toe and weigh approximately 2150 grams. Just imagine, your baby will gain 1,5-2 whole kilograms during the last 8 weeks until birth! That’s pretty wild. 🤯

Thoughts about the birth

It’s completely normal to have lots of thoughts and worries about the coming labor and birth – it would be strange if you didn’t! And it’s not reserved just for first-time mothers; even if it’s not your first baby it’s still normal to have worries about the birth. Every pregnancy and birth is different.

Our best advice is to research as much as possible, so you’re as prepared as possible. Talk to your midwife or doctor about your worries; medical personnel have usually seen and heard it all before.

You can also sign up for birthing classes, where you will learn more about what to expect during labor, the recovery process and pain management strategies. It can also be a great way to connect with other pregnant women and know that you’re not alone.


Make a birth plan

In connection with all these thoughts about the birth, has your midwife mentioned that you can make a birth plan? A birth plan is pretty much that; a plan of how you want the labor and birth to proceed. The plan usually includes who you want with you at birth, any kind of wishes for positions or environment (exercise ball, bathtub etc.), any medical history or allergens and what kind of pain relief you would and would not like.

The plan is a great tool for hospital staff. You might be lucky enough to have a midwife or doctor who has followed you through your entire pregnancy, but more often than not, you will have some hospital staff present at your birth who doesn’t know you or your wishes, and if you have prepared a birth plan, they can easily look up our wishes and medical history.

It’s a great idea to make the plan with your midwife, and you can also find many templates online to get inspiration from; there might be something on the lists that you completely forgot to think about.



Read more about the next week of your pregnancy in week 33 of our week-by-week pregnancy calendar.

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