Week 5

Week 5

Chances are, you’ll find out for sure if you’re pregnant this week. Most home pregnancy tests measure the hCG levels in your urine, and they should be high enough around week 5-6 to get a positive test result.The right time for a pregnancy test

Chances are, you’ll find out for sure if you’re pregnant this week.

Congratulations! 🎉

This week you might start to notice the tell-tale signs of pregnancy:

  • Your period is late
  • Spot bleeding – when the egg implants itself, it can cause small spots of bleeding, similar to the beginning of a normal period. It’s nothing to worry about.
  • Feeling sick, also known as “morning sickness”
  • Tender breasts
  • Feeling tired
  • Peeing more
  • More sensitive sense of smell
  • Changed sense of taste

During week 4 of your pregnancy, when the embryo attached itself to your uterine wall, your placenta started producing the pregnancy hormone hCG. HCG helps thicken your uterine lining, and tells your body to stop releasing more eggs, thus stopping your cycle – no more periods for a while! The hCG hormone levels rise quickly – almost doubling every three days – peaking during your first trimester before declining again. Most home pregnancy tests measure the hCG levels in your urine, and they should be high enough around week 5-6 to get a positive test result.

And most importantly: As soon as you know you’re pregnant, you should contact your doctor to get started on pregnancy and maternity care.


Keep a pregnancy diary

Once you know that you’re pregnant, it might be a great idea to start keeping a diary or journal. Now, and during the upcoming months, emotions can run high and lots of new things will happen in your life. Keeping a diary to record your feelings and thoughts about the pregnancy can be a great relief and a wonderful way to hang on to the memories of your pregnancy after you’ve given birth.

If you’re the creative type, find inspiration online and make your own diary! An empty bullet journal is a great way to start, and you can decorate and fill in the pages of your journal just how you like it.

If you don’t want to make your own diary, you can buy a ready-made pregnancy diary as a nice alternative. They usually contain boxes and questions relevant for each week and are already beautifully laid out. So, it’s less time consuming, but you still get a nice keepsake from your pregnancy.



Read more about the next week of your pregnancy in week 6 of our week-by-week pregnancy calendar.

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